Walker & Sharpe COVID-19 House Viewing and Appraisal Procedures
The risk to be mitigated against is the risk of transmission of COVID-19 between agents, clients and viewers. Transmission could occur directly between parties, or as a consequence of contact with surfaces that have come into contact with the virus. To minimise the risk of transmission the following procedures should be adhered to:-
- Selling clients and prospective viewers should be referred to current Scottish Government Guidance on Moving Home.
- Viewers/Sellers should be asked to complete the Visitor/Viewer Questionnaire designed to obtain information about whether or not they are suffering from COVID-19 symptoms or have come into contact with people likely to transmit the virus. If anyone is shielding, showing symptoms of COVID-19 or has been asked to self-isolate the viewing/appraisal should not go ahead.
- If there is a reasonable likelihood that at any point during the viewing/appraisal a social distance of at least 2 metres may not be maintained, then all parties (agent, client, viewer and anyone else present) should wear face coverings (ie a non-medical covering of the mouth and nose), and minimise the time for which 2 metre separation is not maintained.
- All parties should wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitiser immediately before and immediately after the viewing/appraisal.
- Steps should be taken to reduce the need to touch surfaces. Internal doors, cupboards, loft hatches and the like within the property should be left open wherever possible. Loft ladders should be set up in advance. Lights, where required, should be switched on in advance.
- Door handles and other surfaces likely to be touched should be cleaned before and after each viewing/appraisal.
- All parties should avoid touching surfaces where possible.
- Prospective viewers should be asked to undertake a virtual viewing and to examine the Sales Particulars and Home Report before requesting a physical viewing. Interested parties should be encouraged only to physically visit properties in which they have a serious interest.
- Physical viewings should be by appointment only. No “open house” viewings should be permitted.
- Anyone not involved in conducting the viewing/appraisal should vacate the property if possible.
- Agents should wear disposable gloves and face covering (if reusable face covering is preferred, it should be washed regularly).
- Visitors / Viewers should be offered disposable gloves and face coverings.
- Apart from the agent, only two adults (who must be from a single household) should attend a viewing at one time together. Where possible children are discouraged from attending.
- The length of time viewing the property should be kept to a minimum.
- Records should be kept of who has attended the property, in case needed for COVID-19 contact tracing.