37 George Street, Dumfries, DG1 1EB 01387 267 222
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Welcome to Walker & Sharpe

Solicitors & Estate Agents

We are a long-established legal and estate agency practice based in Dumfries, South West Scotland. We are a traditional “High Street” law firm, and we offer a wide range of legal and property services.

Founded in 1847, we have over 170 years’ experience advising clients across Dumfries and Galloway, the Scottish Borders and throughout Scotland. Our experienced team combine a modern and progressive approach with the traditional values our firm is built upon – professionalism, reliability and personal client contact.

For practical and straightforward advice, call us now.

Family Law

We offer practical and straightforward advice tailored to you, in order to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family, at what is often a difficult time.

Business law

Whether you’re setting up a new business, or you need advice in respect of your existing business, Walker & Sharpe can help.

Civil Law

We offer a vast range of civil law services, including advice on contractual disputes, landlord and tenant and debt recovery.

Agricultural Law

Our knowledgeable team can offer practical advice to land and estate owners, farming businesses and rural employers.

Criminal & Road Traffic Defence

As a leading criminal law firm in Dumfries and Galloway, Walker & Sharpe has, for many years, represented the interests of clients charged with criminal offences.

Wills, Trusts & Executries

Our private client department deal with various aspects of a client’s personal affairs, including the drafting of Wills and Powers of Attorney, as well as advising on inheritance tax planning and personal taxation generally.

Property & Estate Agency

Walker & Sharpe provide an extensive range of estate agency and property services. Our experienced Solicitors will take care of the legal work and will provide guidance and advice throughout the process.

Employment & Accident Claims

Walker & Sharpe can help you to make a claim for compensation if you’ve suffered loss as a result of accident, injury or losing your job.

Legal Services

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4 Kestrel Hill, Gretna, DG16 5LD
3 Bedrooms
Offers over £145,000
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154 St. Michael Street, Dumfries, DG1 2PR
2 Bedrooms
Offers over £85,000
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Urr Cottage, Merse Way, Kippford, Dalbeattie, DG5 4HL
3 Bedrooms
Offers over £420,000
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